Sunday after Pentecost
10, 2014
Praying as Groaning
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
talk, just not with words. They groan; they grunt. They squeal; they
scream. They laugh; they cry. And it often seems like they don't know
what they want.
often we are just babies when it comes to prayer. We
know we need something, but in our weakness, we don't know what to
ask for. But Jesus doesn't leave us to ourselves.
do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself
intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
sent His Holy Spirit to put what we need into words. And the words
that He puts into our hearts and mouths is the Word of God. He puts
the very same Christ who died and lives again into our hearts and
mouths. He does this in putting in three
ways: He baptized us, He absolves us, and He communes us.
using these Sacraments, He teaches us the words of the Church, the
collective vocabulary of countless groaning believers who follow the
Christ who suffered for all.
collection of words is prayed by the Church every day in homes and
every Sunday in churches around the world.
Holy Spirit teaches us to pray the Lord's Prayer. He gives us the
words of the Creeds to confess that Christ is true and that we trust
the Truth. He teaches us to marvel at the sight of Christ's true
presence on the altar and on your tongue as you pray, "O Christ,
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us."
take these words home and we pray them there. Alone in the morning,
you pray, "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name."
You ask Jesus, "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner." You ask
Him to keep His promise and come back that very day to take you into
everlasting life.
are some mornings when we don't know what to pray. There is evil near
and far that leaves you in dismay. We hear of Muslims murdering
Christians in distant lands. We hear of deadly diseases sweeping
through Africa. We hear of parents hurting their children in our own
community. So much evil and we groan helplessly.
then even closer to home, we examine ourselves and see evil that will
never be found by an Internet search. Yet Jesus searches our hearts
and knows us, all of our evil secret desires. So much evil and we
groan in terror of our sin.
the Holy Spirit hears our groans and groans along with us. But unlike
ours, His groans are not helpless. His inexpressible words are
powerful and effective and they will save us.
heavenly groaning will save us because this is His will for us. We
know His will because He has made it known to us in Holy Baptism and
Holy Communion. You are baptized. Christ Himself is given and shed
for you. You and you alone! And for the sake of the living Word of
God, Jesus Christ, this is true for every one of you here today.
you groan and the Holy Spirit groans with you and gives you holy
things: the Son. And then you groan and He groans and gives you the
Son. Again and again.
groans for you before you were born. He groans for you before you
could talk. He groans for you when you don't know what to say. He
groans for you when you neglect His Word. He groans for you when age
or dementia deprives you of speech, when all you can do is groan like
a baby. He groans for you all the way into everlasting life, where
the groaning transforms into everlasting sighs of contentment in the
living Word.
the name of the Father
of the † Son
of the Holy Spirit.
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