Friday, September 5, 2014

Longing for His Coming

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
August 3, 2014

Romans 8:22
Longing for His Coming

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together with labor pains until now.
Romans 8:22

Whether it's a first baby or the fifth, baby usually don't show up when you expect. The weeks go by, then months, and soon the due date approaches. But the baby due date is just a guess. It's helpful, but sometimes babies arrive early and sometimes they are late. You just don't know.

So you have to be prepared. A great half-hour of television was The Dick Van Dyke Show and the arrival of Rob and Laura's baby boy. The new dad played by Mr. Van Dyke was prepared. Bags packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. Any type of noise from Laura caused him to jump! The best part was that he slept in his clothes. When the time arrived, he was ready.

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. . . . Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. . . . So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Matthew 25:36, 42, 44

Jesus said that He was returning soon, so it is wise to assume that He's probably coming back today. And if He doesn't today, then we should expect Him tomorrow.

Waiting for Jesus to take us all home into everlasting life requires patience. When the Virgin Mother of God was waiting for her Savior to be born, it must have taken patience. I wonder how nervous Joseph was, since the soon-to-come Baby was God in the flesh and the promised Messiah of mankind. No pressure, Joe! Don't drop that Baby!

But we drop Jesus often. We live our lives in the theoretical hope of Jesus' return. Consider this: if you knew that Jesus was going to return at 2:30 this afternoon, you'd do two things. You'd stay here and finish your prayers, then you get on the phone and start calling your family and friends.

Jesus is probably coming back today. In your heart of hearts you doubt these words, especially if you're older. He isn't, He can't, He won't come back, not today. But He is. We are Christians. This means above all things we trust His Word. And He said,

Yes, I am coming soon,
Revelation 22:20

So we must assume that He's returning today. This isn't predicting His returnwhich is impossible―but rather simply daily watching and praying, just as Jesus said.

We do keep watch for many things, but all too often we watch for the wrong things. We watch and pray for earthly things. We pray for long life, good health, healthy children and grandchildren. All good things for which to pray, but when we talk to Christ, we must also remember to ask Him to keep His promise and return. He will come back without our prayer, but there is peace in longing for His apocalypse.

Apocalypse, contrary to Hollywood, isn't fire and war and quakes and doom. It simply means a time when things are uncovered and unhidden. We are the people of Christ, but our status is hidden for the present time. We long to be unhidden and take our places around the throne of God in the new world He will create with His Word. And this uncovering of who we all are will take place when Jesus unhides Himself to our eyes.

The baby is coming, but for a time, although always with his mother, hidden from sight. So the pregnant wife and her husband wait with longing to see their new baby.

They still make plans, but their friends and family know that the day is coming soon, and so that those plans might have to be broken. But they all will be happy to break those plans for this delivery that is far better. Just like a family waiting for new life, we Christians long to be delivered from this world, where so much is hidden. But if Jesus comes today, and He probably will, all things will be made clear and new.

So our constant and daily prayer is this: Dear Lord Jesus, come back today, deliver me from this evil world and my own sinful flesh, and give me the reward You won for me with Your holy, precious blood and with Your innocent suffering and death. This I long for with all my heart and all my soul and all my strength.

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


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