Sunday after Trinity
Stopped Death in Its Tracks
the name of the Father and of the ☩
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
live in a dying world where Death seems to win. Whether 3,000 die in
a terrorist attack on 9/11 or if your most cherished friend dies of
old age on 9/12, the result is the same: they are no longer here.
Nothing seems to be able to stand up to Death; it appears inevitable
and invincible.
only Jesus would attend every funeral and appear bodily at the grave
site of all faithful believers. If only He would gently touch the
caskets of the dead, they would get up. In the history of the Old and
New Testaments, this is just what happened several times. God's
prophet or even His Son intervened and got in Death's way. Death was
stopped in its tracks.
God isn't content to just save the handful of souls recorded in
Scripture; He desired that all should live. So God Himself
ended Death's power not just in Nain, but completely on
Calvary. Jesus stopped Death once and for all on the cross.
went to the cross for the same reason He raised the widow's son in
Nain—His heart went out to poor miserable lonely souls. His heart
went out to a grieving lonely husband-less son-less woman; His heart
goes out to you, too.
came to this village of Nain and in His humanity is caught short by
this funeral procession. And so He acted. He came up to the coffin of
this dead son and touched it. He didn't bang the casket; He pressed
His holy hand to this box of death and those carrying it stopped. And
using His divine voice He called on Death to give up its prize. And
Death had to listen. Death couldn't say no.
young man got up and began to talk. We don't know what he said, but
he was clearly alive. Jesus' word had made all the difference.
only did Jesus give this widow her son back, but He ended her tears
of sadness with the promise of reunion with her husband as well. Now
it is said at funerals: “Grandma is with Grandpa now.” Yes, and
with millions of other believers, too, in the great eternal family of
God. Jesus told us that everlasting life with Him will not be like
life here—it's not just your family, clan, or tribe, but all
nations together around Him. Heaven is wherever Jesus is; not
wherever Grandpa is.
yes, there is join in seeing your beloved spouse again. But if that's
your center of gravity in the face of Death, you'll lose your
balance. Jesus is Heaven, and everyone else there, including the
widow's husband, is an added harvest of joy!
the resurrection of all the dead Jesus promised her that her life
would never again be empty and barren. One day this widow of Nain
would die and then we know that her son died again. But though they
both died, they still live.
we face Death in the eye, we hold on to Jesus' word.
am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will
live, even though they die; 26and
whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. (John
11:25-26 NIV)
never-dying is accomplished in Jesus' dying. His death makes Death
die and His resurrection makes all other comings back to life
realities. The widow's son. Your son. You.
made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might
become the righteousness of God.
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