Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Right Shepherd Is Good For Us

APRIL 15, 2018
ST. JOHN 10:11,15
The Right Shepherd Is Good For Us
In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There is a lot of very popular Christian art that we often display in our homes and churches. Some of the top picks: Jesus with a lantern standing outside a door of one of His believers, Jesus walking with the Emmaus disciples through a boulevard of trees, and Jesus as the Good Shepherd. This last image has several variations: Jesus in a close-up holding a lamb. Another is Jesus in a wide-shot amidst the flock. All these images are right from the Scriptures. So we want to know the words behind these images well. If we don't, there's a danger that our ideas will fill in the back story of these pictures.
A case in point: Jesus is the Good Shepherd. The word here translated “good” is word kalos. It means good, right, fitting. It means true, beautiful, and accurate. It means competent, good for you, and worthy of praise. Jesus is the Kalos Shepherd. “Good” is a good translation into English. But since we are surrounded in a world that loves to use the word good to promote evil, we need to ask: what does it mean when Jesus calls Himself kalos, good?
There have been many good men who have done many good things. Abraham moved to a distant land, Moses delivered the slaves from Egypt, David fought Goliath. But they are only shadows of the Good Shepherd who came to rescue us. And all there good deeds flowed out of their trust in the Lord God.
The same is true of our pastors. We are only echoes the Good Shepherd. In fact that's our only job: repeat what Jesus has told us. Pastors (which means shepherds) are good and right only in so far as they are repeating the words of Jesus.
There are lots of shepherds calling you to follow them. Some of them are good-looking; others aren't. Some of them are pastors; others aren't. Some of them speak plainly; others don't.
Some sheep will follow a shepherd because he is good-looking. Maybe that means he's handsome, but sheep also want nice guys who are good with kids and young people. You hear that in church meetings when deciding who to ask to be the new pastor. “The pastor should be good with the youths.” How often do you hear someone asking if the pastor is good at visiting old and sick people?
Some sheep will follow a shepherd just because he's a pastor. Others will follow anyone as long as they are not a Christian pastor. Politicians, entertainers, Fox News anchors, or TED talk expert.
Most sheep will claim to want straight talk, until the straight talker is talking to them. We detest sexual sins, until talk turns to the sins that you like. Yes, impenitent homosexuals are in grave danger of hell, but so are fornicators who are in denial that living together before marriage is wicked. This also goes for any parents who defend their impenitent grown children.
If we have only or mostly contemplated Jesus as the Good Shepherd from a beautiful painting, then straight talk about the Sixth Commandment will be jarring. But even in the painting, there's a clue. What is Jesus holding in His hand?
A staff. It's not mentioned in John 10, but it is mentioned in Psalm 23:
PSALM 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. ENGLISH HERITAGE VERSION
Staffs are used to prod the sheep to warn them out of danger. A pastor's rebuke can often be received as painful blow, even when it's meant to guide you back to the way of the Lord. But the faithful pastor is simply doing the work Christ has ordered him to do. Protect the flock and protect each sheep.
Staffs are also used to hit wolves and lions when they try to attack the flock. But the greatest weapon Jesus used against our enemies was a piece of wood shaped into a cross.
This is the essence of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He is good morally—all the commandments He has kept perfectly. But that doesn't do you any good, unless He also laid down His life for yours. He is not just kalos; He is good for you. This makes Him the Right Shepherd for all of us.
Indeed, the art used for Good Shepherd Sunday is of Jesus as a shepherd with the sheep. But of course, just as fitting is Christ hanging on the cross for His sheep, for you.
ST. JOHN 10:14–15 I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me (just as the Father knows me and I know the Father). And I lay down my life for the sheep. ENGLISH HERITAGE VERSION
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Thanks be to God!

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