Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Could Anyone Love You More?

Commentary for Christmas Eve

Could anyone love you more? God is born in a barn. The angels sing, not to their God or His mother, but to the shepherds. He comes to the lowly who have nothing to give Him, who only want to receive. Nothing must mar this lowliness that exalts the greatness of God’s love.

It’s worth noting, if only in passing, that the angels rejoice! We might have expected them to be angry or at the very least to weep. He whom they love perfectly has humbled Himself completely in order to suffer and die for fallen mankind.

We might have expected their hearts to ache, or even to ask, How come for them and not for our fallen fellow angels?

But there is none of that. So perfectly is their will in harmony with the will of God that they rejoice beyond measure that He whom they worship and adore has come down from heaven just for you, just for me! “Let us hasten to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about!”

Don’t talk about bringing Him a present—not today. Today He is the only present! Just receive! Just sing!

(From Daniel M. Deutschlander, Planning Christian Worship, Year B)

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