Monday, December 23, 2013

Spoiling the End of the World

Midweek Advent Commentary
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If you're a Lutheran kid, there are only two days when you don't want Jesus to come back: your birthday and Christmas. Maybe some of us still feel this way. Toys and good feelings—why spoil it with the end of the world?

But our Master calls us to watch and pray and hope for His glorious return. There is no greater gift for Christmas than Jesus in the flesh, once and for all coming to take sinners, forgiven once and for all, back home.

And until His final coming, we do receive our Jesus in the flesh through the blessed Sacrament. No earthly gift will ever surpass the heavenly meal of Christ given and shed for us.

Christ’s Return for Judgment

Our churches teach that at the end of the world Christ will appear for judgment and will raise all the dead. He will give the godly and elect eternal life and everlasting joys, but He will condemn ungodly people and the devils to be tormented without end.

Our churches condemn the Anabaptists, who think that there will be an end to the punishments of condemned men and devils.

Our churches also condemn those who are spreading certain Jewish opinions, that before the resurrection of the dead the godly shall take possession of the kingdom of the world, the ungodly being everywhere suppressed.

Concordia : The Lutheran Confessions. 2005 (Edited by Paul Timothy McCain) (40). St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.

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