Friday, August 3, 2012

Getting It Straight

Luke 16:1-8 is not about money?

This week I've been preparing for the Gospel appointed for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity: Luke 16:1-9 (some reading series also opt in verses 10-13). Often called the Parable of the Shrewd/Dishonest Manager or Unjust Steward. I'm sharing some of the audio resources that I've found helpful about the meaning of Jesus' parable:

Dr. Ken Bailey on Issues, Etc.

Rev. Bill Cwirla on Issues, Etc.

Pastors’ Roundtable on Issues, Etc.
Pr. Brian Holle & Pr. Brian Feicho

Dr. Bailey's commentary offered insight I did not have until I heard him speak with Todd Wilken, the host of Issues, Etc. The other pastors also have provided some helpful thoughts about this difficult story. 

The narrative that I've often heard is that this parable means that we should use our money wisely. This moral of the story is reinforced when verses 10-13 are taken with the parable.

But perhaps it's wiser to see the explanation of the parable in verse 8, not verse 9. And maybe Jesus' point isn't about money. Maybe it's about getting your priorities straight. Have a listen.

Pastor Boehringer

P.S. Issues, Etc. is a Lutheran radio program that discuss various topics from a confessional Lutheran worldview. You can listen to on-demand podcasts right away by clicking this link:

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